Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Haunted Houses...

...abound in the Augusta area this time of year! 

Everyone's gearing up for Halloween, and the easiest way to do that is to have the heebie-jeebies scared out of us by our favorite spooks and bogeymen. 

One of everyone's all-time favorites on the spook scale is Michael Myers, who makes his appearance at almost every haunted house you're likely to visit this year.

So, we're calling YOU, Mike!  The last time we saw you in a movie, that jumpsuit was looking a little worse for the wear!  (Not that we blame YOU, per se.  I mean, it IS rough business getting run over, shot, stabbed and set on fire!  But really, dude...have some PRIDE!)   Before heading out to your next fright, be sure to stop by your Augusta Pipeline to pick up some great duds for the occasion...

A frighteningly sweet deal at only
Now, we want EVERYONE out there to make sure and support their local spooks and visit as many haunted houses in the coming weeks as you can cram in!  For schedules of some favorites, please visit the website links below:

Pipeline WORKS to keep YOU (even the spooks!) suited up for whatever comes YOUR way!

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