Thursday, November 24, 2011

"The Pilgrims made seven times more graves than huts. No Americans have been more impoverished than these who, nevertheless, set aside a day of thanksgiving." ~H.U. Westermayer

Team Pipeline would like to take this moment to wish everyone a very happy Thanksgiving!
Always remember that today is about counting our blessings.  In keeping with that spirit, we would like to, once again, share with you what we are all so thankful for on this day.
Christine, Carli and Shelby in Aiken are thankful for:
"I am thankful for the food in my belly."
"I am thankful for the opportunities that the U.S. offers to those who are willing to work  hard."
"I am thankful for the sweet kisses of my baby chihuahua Liberty."
Mobile Manager Joseph would like to give thanks for:
"I'm thankful for God's blessings, eternal life, healthy children, shelter and a wonderful existence with my loving wife, Jennifer."
Jennifer is thankful for:
"The sweet little baby that is due today, and for all of the blessings that this child will know."
Now's your chance!  Tell us what you are thankful for!  Leave it in the comments here or on our facebook page.

Have a very happy Thanksgiving!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

There is one day that is ours. There is one day when all we Americans who are not self-made go back to the old home to eat saleratus biscuits and marvel how much nearer to the porch the old pump looks than it used to. Thanksgiving Day is the one day that is purely American. ~O. Henry

In one more week we across America will be celebrating a day unique to us:  Thanksgiving Day! 

It'll be filled with joy and laughter, song and prayer, feasting and revelry!  It's one of the days that we look most forward to in our calendar year, not because of the turkey and football, but because it brings family together.  It takes us out of ourselves for just a moment, and causes us to reflect on what's truly important to us in this life; family, friends, good neighbors, shelter...there's so much that so many of us have to be thankful for!

And, once again, it is time for the people of Pipeline to share with YOU what it is that makes us feel like we're so blessed.

Scott in our embroidery department writes:
"I am thankful for all prayers directed toward Raena for continued healing with the various medical conditions she has, and for patience with the different medicines that she has to try."
In Aiken, Christine, Shelby and Carli say:

"I am thankful for my friends keeping me grounded and being there for me when I'm down."
"I am thankful for nature's beauty."
"I am thankful for my husband defending this great nation."
Mobile Manager Joseph says:

I'm thankful for my lovely wife of 9 years.  She's the mother of my three, four in about a week, healthy children, and has been by my side through good and bad.
Jennifer in Ordering, Customer Service and Online Marketing shares:
I'm thankful that GOD loves us so much that he gives us sights, scents and sounds to enjoy.  If there were no god, or if we had a god that had no interest in us or our happiness I don't believe the colors of autumn would be as vibrant, the earthy scent of spring so awakening, summer would not be filled with so much life and the snow wouldn't fall in the pines just so in the winter months.  Blessings of beauty and a desire to see his greatest creation enjoy the rest of creation one and all.
Once again, Team Pipeline asks to hear from you!  Please leave us a comment about what you are thankful for during this joyous time of year.  You can leave it here, or write to us on our facebook page!

We'll be back one more time before the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade to share our prayers and our reasons for Thanksgiving with all of our loyal patrons.

Here's wishing everyone a blessing filled week!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Come and See What's New!

Hey y'all!

Pipeline is pleased to announce that there are a lot of new items in the store, just in time for the holidays!

If you haven't been in to see us in a while then you definitely need to stop by and see what's new!

We have all of your favorite brands:
  • Carhartt
  • Redwing
  • Georgia Boot
  • Rocky
  • Timberland
  • Converse
  • Wolverine
  • and much more!
Don't miss out on the great products that Pipeline has to offer.

Pipeline WORKS to help YOU celebrate your HOLIDAYS in STYLE!

Also, be sure you stay tuned to our website,, for a sneak peek at our in-store selection.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

"Thanksgiving, after all, is a word of action." ~W.J. Cameron

Another week has come and gone in the month of November, and it's once again time to take a moment to reflect on what we, as individuals, have to be thankful for; not just this day, this week, this month...but what we have to be thankful for all the year long!

Mark, the owner and founder of Pipeline, writes:

"I am thankful that my 92 year young mother (GiGi) is still able to work at Pipeline three days a week.  She is truly an inspiration to us all."
Jesse, our new front counter sales representative (make sure y'all stop by and give her a warm welcome!), writes:
"I am very thankful for a loving God, someone who is there for me no matter what happens.  He knows my faults, my fears, my failures, and he still has an unconditional love for me.  He gave me the most precious gift one could ask for ~ Salvation.  I am thankful for many many things.  I am a very blessed person, but this I am most thankful for."
Joseph, our Mobile Manager, tells us that he's thankful for:
"My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ that bled and died so that I may live and share in His glorious kingdom."
  I'm Jennifer, and I'm thankful for:
"A wonderful husband and the four children that GOD has blessed us with.  All five of them are absolutely gifts from heaven, and I can't believe that the Lord saw fit to send them my way. Never will I know exactly what it is I did for Him to show me such favor in this area.  I'm truly blessed. "
Now that you've heard from us, WE want to HEAR about YOU!  Leave us a comment here or on our facebook page telling us what it is that you are thankful for this season.  We love getting to know our customers, old and new, and we can't imagine a more beautiful way to do it than this!

Here's wishing all of you out there another week of blessings, and we look forward to sharing some more of our gifts with you next week!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Free Shipping On All Orders At!

Be sure you take advantage of online shopping opportunites this holiday season at!

As an added bonus, ALL orders ship directly to you, free of charge!

Pipeline wants to make the HOLIDAYS less STRESSFUL for YOU!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

New Employment Opportunities at Pipeline Augusta!

November 2011: Pipeline is currently accepting applications for our Customer Service Department.

Duties include, but are not limited to:
  • Computer proficiency, and ability to use current ordering software.
  • Placing special orders for customers, as well as stock orders for the store.
  • Answering the telephone.
  • Assist shipping and receiving, especially during large orders.
  • Business after hours events.
  • Working directly with customers and clients.
  • Organizational skills are a must!
  • Ability to multi-task is a plus.
  • Must be available for Saturday scheduling. Pipeline is CLOSED on SUNDAYS.
Click to download our printable application!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Thanksgiving Day is a jewel, to set in the hearts of honest men; but be careful that you do not take the day, and leave out the gratitude. ~E.P. Powell

October and Halloween have passed with all of the newness of fall, and the spooky fun and leftover candy that comes at the end of the month.

Now it's November.  We're well settled into the Autumnal season these days.  Cooler weather, mulled cider and hot chocolate, that crisp, spicy smell that comes with newly fallen leaves are gracing our front door step.  It's during this time of year that our thoughts turn to the holidays upcoming, and our hearts turn to the joy of Thanksgiving.

At Pipeline we would like to take these weeks leading up to the holiday itsself to reflect on all that we, as a business, as a team, as individuals are thankful for.

This week, we are Thankful for:
  • 33 years of serving the CSRA with all of their work wear needs.
  • Our customers that made those 33 years possible!
  • A team of dedicated workers that understand the meaning of customer service, and the need for higher standards in today's business world.
  • The way that our team is more like a family that just individuals.
  • How so many of our customers have found satisfaction with our company and service that we know MANY of you by name!
So, Pipeline wants to know...what are YOU thankful for?

Join us in the true spirit of this month and take a moment to spread that appreciation that can only come from the depths of one's soul.

Leave a comment on this post with your "I am thankful for..." or you can leave your comments on our Facebook page. 

Pipeline wants to HEAR from YOU!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Costumes Are A Must!

Monday is Halloween, and we'll be scaring up some festivities at Pipeline!

Stop by the store that day to see who (or what?!?!?) may be helping you find all of your workwear needs!

Don't be shy about joining in the festivities.  Show up in your costume and get in the spirit of fun with us!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Employment Opportunities at Pipeline!

We are currently accepting applications for the front counter sales representative at our Augusta location.

All applicants must be friendly, customer service oriented, and professional in manner and appearance. 

Job duties include, but are not limited to:
  • Answering the phone.
  • Ability to use our current inventory and sales software.
  • Keeping the showroom neat in appearance.
  • Inventory
  • Pricing
  • Willingness to provide suggestions and feedback.
  • Ability to work well in a team environment and with the general public.
If this sounds like something that you would be interested in, we encourage you to visit either our main store location or our website to obtain an application. 

Come grow with us!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Haunted Houses...

...abound in the Augusta area this time of year! 

Everyone's gearing up for Halloween, and the easiest way to do that is to have the heebie-jeebies scared out of us by our favorite spooks and bogeymen. 

One of everyone's all-time favorites on the spook scale is Michael Myers, who makes his appearance at almost every haunted house you're likely to visit this year.

So, we're calling YOU, Mike!  The last time we saw you in a movie, that jumpsuit was looking a little worse for the wear!  (Not that we blame YOU, per se.  I mean, it IS rough business getting run over, shot, stabbed and set on fire!  But really, dude...have some PRIDE!)   Before heading out to your next fright, be sure to stop by your Augusta Pipeline to pick up some great duds for the occasion...

A frighteningly sweet deal at only
Now, we want EVERYONE out there to make sure and support their local spooks and visit as many haunted houses in the coming weeks as you can cram in!  For schedules of some favorites, please visit the website links below:

Pipeline WORKS to keep YOU (even the spooks!) suited up for whatever comes YOUR way!

Friday, September 23, 2011

"Of autumn's wine, now drink your fill; the frost's on the pumpkin, and snow's on the hill."

Title taken from the 1993 Old Farmer's Almanac, courtesy of

Yes, it's official!  The first day of autumn has arrived!

Because Pipeline is committed to helping our customers be prepared for pretty much anything they may encounter on the job, it just seems to make sense that we should also help you get some things done around the house!

The following was taken from  It's a "Top 10 Musts..." list for the autumn season.

If your time is at a premium and you need to prioritize what needs to be done around the house before winter sets in, the following list of essential tasks might help. Once you have these covered, read our comprehensive Fall Checklist for additional chores to securely batten down the hatches for the darkest part of the year.
  1. If you have a fireplace or woodstove, lay in a supply of wood as early as you can. Burn dry, dry wood. Keep fires small and hot to reduce buildup in chimneys.

    Store wood where it is dry but has good air flow. A covered shed is ideal, but a loose tarp can work just as well. Make sure it’s stacked off the ground to keep the bottom course clean and dry. Wet wood attracts insects. Don’t stack your wood right next to the house; leave at least a gap of a couple inches to avoid creating an insect highway to your home’s interior.
  2. Make sure that any backup heating source—such as a gas fireplace, woodstove, or pellet stove—is in good working order. For wood burning fireplaces and woodstoves, have your chimney cleaned regularly. The more you burn, the more often you should have your chimney cleaned.

    If you burn one-half to a full cord of wood a year, every two years for cleaning is probably okay if your wood has had at least a year to season. The greener the wood, the faster creosote builds up. Creosote can cause a chimney fire so it's not something you want to let go. Read more on
    chimney maintenance.
  3. Clean your gutters. It’s one of those chores that no one likes but must be done. In the fall, you may find it necessary to clean a couple times depending on what types of trees you have near the house.
  4. Make sure downspouts are free flowing and splash blocks direct water well away from the foundation.
  5. Check the roof and make any small roof repairs now. This is another important task. At the same time check ridge vents and make sure they are clear of any obstructions.
  6. Trees, bushes, and other foundation plantings need to be trimmed back away from the house. Any dead or diseased branches on trees need to be removed. This prevents bugs from taking up residence in your home, and reduces damage to siding, roofs, and gutters from whipping branches. In other words, nothing should be touching your house.
  7. Have your heating system serviced if you haven’t done it in a while. There is nothing worse than having the heat go off when it’s 25 degrees outside. And it always seems to happen to too many other people at the same time, so you have to wait and shiver until the heating guy shows up.
  8. Check your smoke alarm and make sure it’s functioning. If you have a carbon-monoxide detector, check it at the same time.
  9. Weatherize your home. Caulk joints where materials meet. The US Department of Energy says if you can pull a piece of paper out of a closed door without tearing you're losing energy, so check and replace weather stripping on all doors and windows. Install foam inserts in electrical receptacles on exterior walls.
  10. Set up your 72-hour stock of emergency provisions. Allocate a space; keep everything you’ll need in case the power goes off there. The Red Cross has a comprehensive list of recommended items.
There are many more tasks to do and this list of essentials may vary depending on your home and its requirements. Our monthly checklists and a comprehensive Fall Checklist should help you prioritize your seasonal chores.
Of course no autumn season would be complete without raking a metric ton of leaves off of your roof and out of your yard!  Don't forget to stop by your nearest Pipeline to pick up your essential cool weather gear!  Things like hoodies, a good pair of jeans or work pants, comfortable shoes and gloves can all be found at Pipeline, and they will make your autumn outdoor experience that much more enjoyable.

Pipeline helps YOU to get the job DONE!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Check out what's new at!

The change of the season has brought about some changes at Pipeline!  Check out what ELSE is new for the fall weather!

Starting at ONLY $9.99!

Starting at ONLY $9.99
This shirt features a variety of colors available to help YOU creat YOUR company's look!

Starting at ONLY $9.99!
This long sleeved T also features so many colors that you can't help but find what you're looking for!




Wednesday, September 21, 2011

We're in the Circle!

Team Pipeline is please to announce that we have joined the NEW Google+ community! 
If you are already a member of the community, or if you are considering becoming a member soon, please add us to your circle for more information on sales and specials!
Stay connected so that you always know what is going on with Pipeline!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

We're still raising!!!

Dear Friends & Family:                                                               

On Saturday, October 1st Team Pipeline Work Clothes will be walking in the Light The Night Walk at the Augusta Common to benefit The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.  We will join over 1500 other people in finding a cure for leukemia, lymphoma, and other blood cancers.  The Light The Night walk is a nationwide evening walk to celebrate and commemorate lives touched by cancer.  Each year we walk in honor of Shirley Owens.  Shirley was diagnosed with lymphoma in April of 2006.  Since the time Shirley was diagnosed, we have heard of many friends who are now dealing with a blood cancer. Over the last two years we have raised over $11,000 for the Light The Night Walk and to find a CURE for blood cancers.

-Leukemia is the number one disease killer of children under age 20.
-Almost one million Americans currently live with blood cancer.
-Every four minutes someone is diagnosed with a blood cancer.
-Every ten minutes someone dies from a blood cancer.

I am writing to ask for your support.  Team Pipeline Work Clothes have set a team goal of $5000.  I am asking you to make a donation to help us reach our goal.  You can also join our team to assist in the fight.  This money will go to LLS for research, patient services, advocacy, and education. Over $250 million is currently committed to research worldwide through LLS and over $65,000 has been given in local financial aid in the past year.  To see last year’s Augusta Light The Night walk, watch this video.

If you would like to donate online, please visit our fundraising website at  to donate with a credit or debit card.  If you would like to donate by check, please mail your check to Pipeline Work Clothes, 3843 Wrightsboro Rd. Augusta, GA 30909. All donations are 100% tax-deductible.

I thank you in advance for supporting our efforts and for supporting
The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.  I greatly appreciate our relationship and look forward to hearing from you soon!

Team Pipeline

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Come and See What's New!

Introducing some of our new fall and winter work wear!

Carhartt Men's Collegiate Graphic Long-Sleeve T-Shirt - $25.99

Carhartt Men's Collegiate Graphic Long-Sleeve T-Shirt - $25.99

Carhartt Men's Est. 1889 Workwear Graphic Lightweight Hooded Sweatshirt - $40.99

Carhartt Duck Bib Overall - Unlined - $70.99 - Online Only until October

Carhartt Duck Bib Overall - Quilt Lined - $110.99 - Online Only until October

Carhartt Men's Distant Peaks Graphic Midweight Hooded Sweatshirt - $52.99
 There's more to come in the day's and weeks ahead!  Stop by and see us often for the latest in seasonal wear!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

There's a change in the air!

Stop by any one of our three locations and see what's new for the Fall!

The meteorologists at are predicting a cool 59 degrees for the CSRA tonight and tomorrow night.  Don't let the chill get to you!

We offer an assortment of long pants, jeans and outerwear.

Don't see what you want?  We can get it!

Let Pipeline help you stay warm this Fall and Winter season!

Friday, August 12, 2011


Expect some exciting new stuff at Pipeline in the up-and-coming weeks!  Mark Owens, along with representatives from all three stores will be attending the shoe show being held at the Cobb Galleria Centre this Saturday!

With all of the vendors that will be there, we expect the Pipeline Team to pick up some new styles to suit the ever changing tastes of our customers. 

Did you come in recently and just not have anything jump out at you?  Try us again soon, because now we're sure we'll have SOMETHING for just about EVERYONE!

Here's wishinging everyone out there a good, and cooler, weekend!

Monday, August 1, 2011

DIABETIC Socks and Insoles are HERE!

We promised it, and here it is!  Diabetic socks and insoles have arrived at the Augusta store.  Stop by and pick up any of these great products today:

10 Second Performance Insoles
  • Extra deep heel cups
  • Air flow channels
  • Long lasting foam
Bilaminate Diabetic Insoles - Customizable Orthotics
  • 1/8" Flesh Pro-cell top
  • 3/16" Blue EVA-40 Dur (Shore A) base
  • Contoured base shape
Directions:  Heat at 250 degrees F for 30 seconds in a convection oven, or 250 degrees F for 45 seconds with a heat gun in a closed chamber.  Place in shoe, and put shoe on allowing the insole to cool to the shape of your foot.


Our new stock also includes:

Diabetic Casual Crew Socks - Black and White - $8.99
  • Non-constricting seamless toe.
  • Non-binding top.
  • Extra width in calf.
  • 94% cotton, 5% nylon, 1% spandex

Care Sox Plus+ - Oversized Socks - Black and White - $9.99
  • Designed especially for those with oversized feet and lower leg.
  • Socks fit up to 25" in circumference.
  • Ultra soft
  • Anti-bacterial properties
  • Super soft padding
Ideal For:
  • Plus sized
  • Serious Edema
  • Covering over bandaging, dressing, or casts.
To view or purchase these items online, please go to, and follow the accessories link to Diabetic Socks, Hosiery, Insoles and Orthotics.

Come see what's new!  We look forward to seeing you!

Friday, July 29, 2011

Attention All Medical Professionals!

WE HAVE SCRUBS, stethoscopes, and gmomanometers!

Come by our website, and visit our Medical page to view all of our latest additions.  If you're in a hurry and need it today, please visit our Aiken store at 2402 Whiskey Road, just down from the Aiken Mall and view the great selection that they feature. 

Pipeline WORKS to keep YOUR practice looking PROFESSIONAL!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

A Friendly Reminder

Don't forget that Pipeline Work Clothes is participating in the Light the Night walk this year! 

In order to reach our goal of $5,000.00 we REALLY need your help!  Please go to, and help us in the race to find a cure for Leukemia and Lymphoma. 

Any amount given is needed and greatly appreciated.  Even the smallest amount can add up to do big things!

Thank you so much for your support.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Sign Up For Our Free Newsletter!

It's getting to be that time again...

Another quarterly newsletter!

It's in the works now, and features all of the latest news.  Get to know our new team members, and find out what's going on at all three Pipeline locations.

Just click, provide us with a valid e-mail address, and enter the security code at the bottom of the page to receive a copy, hot off the virtual press, via e-mail as soon as it comes out!

If your a tangibles type, and would like a physical copy of the newsletter, then please send an e-mail to with the address that you would like your "Pipeline Measure" sent to, and we'll get that right out to you.

As always, thank you for your new and continued patronage, and your interest in what's going on in a CSRA local business.


Monday, July 18, 2011

Diabetes and Your Feet (and how WE can HELP!)

With 25.8 million people in the U.S. suffering from diabetes, it's no secret that this disease is a terrible plague in our country.

The following statistics have been taken from
Data from the 2011 National Diabetes Fact Sheet (released Jan. 26, 2011)

Total prevalence of diabetes

Total: 25.8 million children and adults in the United States—8.3% of the population—have diabetes.
Diagnosed: 18.8 million people
Undiagnosed: 7.0 million people
Prediabetes: 79 million people*
New Cases: 1.9 million new cases of diabetes are diagnosed in people aged 20 years and older in 2010.
* In contrast to the 2007 National Diabetes Fact Sheet, which used fasting glucose data to estimate undiagnosed diabetes and prediabetes, the 2011 National Diabetes Fact Sheet uses both fasting glucose and A1C levels to derive estimates for undiagnosed diabetes and prediabetes. These tests were chosen because they are most frequently used in clinical practice.
Out of all of those affected:

Heart disease and stroke
  • In 2004, heart disease was noted on 68% of diabetes-related death certificates among people aged 65 years or older.
  • In 2004, stroke was noted on 16% of diabetes-related death certificates among people aged 65 years or older.
  • Adults with diabetes have heart disease death rates about 2 to 4 times higher than adults without diabetes.
  • The risk for stroke is 2 to 4 times higher among people with diabetes.
High blood pressure
  • In 2005-2008, of adults aged 20 years or older with self-reported diabetes, 67% had blood pressure greater than or equal to 140/90 mmHg or used prescription medications for hypertension.
  • Diabetes is the leading cause of new cases of blindness among adults aged 20–74 years.
  • In 2005-2008, 4.2 million (28.5%) people with diabetes aged 40 years or older had diabetic retinopathy, and of these, almost 0.7 million (4.4% of those with diabetes) had advanced diabetic retinopathy that could lead to severe vision loss.
Kidney disease
  • Diabetes is the leading cause of kidney failure, accounting for 44% of new cases in 2008.
  • In 2008, 48,374 people with diabetes began treatment for end-stage kidney disease in the United States.
  • In 2008, a total of 202,290 people with end-stage kidney disease due to diabetes were living on chronic dialysis or with a kidney transplant in the United States.
Nervous system disease (Neuropathy)
  • About 60% to 70% of people with diabetes have mild to severe forms of nervous system damage.
  • More than 60% of nontraumatic lower-limb amputations occur in people with diabetes.
  • In 2006, about 65,700 nontraumatic lower-limb amputations were performed in people with diabetes.
Even though we can't help you with all of the complications that can arise, we CAN help you reduce your chance of serious foot injury, and subsequently, amputation  by providing you with the best quality diabetic socks and inserts on the market today!

To take a look at our complete selection of diabetic footcare, please go to  All of the prices are VERY reasonable, and will help create greater comfort and ensure better protection for your feet.

We are also very happy to announce that we will now be carrying some of these same supplies at our Augusta location for the shopper that just doesn't have the time to wait! 

Stay tuned to this blog for the latest in diabetic merchandise arrival.

Of course, it's always secure and easy to just shop online with us.  Place your order TODAY!

Pipeline WORKS to keep YOUR feet HEALTHY.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Another Saturday @ Pipeline

Stop by your nearest Pipeline today and take advantage of our 10% off all regular priced merchandise sale! 

We have safety shoes, hi-viz, Columbia fishing shirts and MUCH more!

We're open from 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM every Saturday, and from 9:00AM - 6:00PM Monday - Friday.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Pipeline Is A Participant!

Pipeline is pleased to announce that we are OFFICIALLY participants in the 2011 Light the Night walk to help find a cure for Leukemia and Lymphoma!

Please help us to make a difference by going to our team page and making a tax-deductable donation to us, or you may also donate to the cause at any one of our three Pipeline locations.

If there is a certain one of our team members that you would like to make a special contribution to then just go to the same link, and at the bottom you'll see a list of names.  Click on the name of the team member that you would like to contribute to, and there you go!

We appreciate in advance any help that our valued customers are willing to give us!

Pipeline WORKS for a CURE!

Pipeline PROMOTES!

Hey, everyone!

Visit our NEW website page for a link to our COMPLETE promotional items catalog!

Today you have to stand out, and there's no better way to do that with some free goodies and giveaways with YOUR company LOGO on them. 

To place an order for your promotional items, please contact Pipeline Customer Service at 706.922.6505, or e-mail us at

If you would just like us to come out and present you with some information, and help you make the decision about what is right for your company, please call us at 706.860.3220 to set up a time for our outsided sales representative to come and visit you.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Cooler Weather and Rain in the CSRA!

So stop by your nearest Pipline location, Augusta, Aiken or Athens during your rain delay and pick up that new pair of safety shoes that you've been needing!  Perhaps a pair of MudSox by Rocky, or some Timberland Peat Bog Wellingtons are the order of the day...
MudSox by Rocky
▪ASTM F2413-05 Electrical Hazard Standard
▪ASTM F2413-05 I/75 C/75 Protective Toe Classification
▪Easy on/off handles; pull on boots
▪MudSox outsole with self cleaning tread pattern
Waterproof full neoprene sock for superior fit and comfort

Timberland Peat Bog Wellington
  • Full-grain leather with rugged fabricr
  • High-performance thermoplastic shell resists moisture and chemicals. Guaranteed to keep you dry!
  • Bonded polyester upper thread for enhanced chemical resistance
  • Anti-microbial Cambrelle® lining
  • Goodyear welt Cast-BondTM technology for a durable mechanical and chemical bond
  • Constructed on TiTAN® Heavy Duty Wellington last for superior fit
  • Steel shank
  • OrthoLite® footbed with AgionTM anti-microbial cover

If you just feel like taking more complete advantage of the cooler weather by being a total couch potato, then you can also purchase both of these items online at our website,

WE want to make shopping CONVENIENT for YOU!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Testimonials and Customer Service Survey

Please follow to leave us your Pipline experience testimonial, or to fill out our customer service survey, and receive a coupon code straight to your inbox for 10% off your next online puchase!

We're always looking for feedback from our customers.  Tell us all about it, because WE still want to HEAR from YOU!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Pipeline TRAVELS for YOU!

In today's world it seems like we're always scrambling for time:
  • Time with the family.
  • Time for relaxation.
  • Time to mow the yard, trim the hedges and fix the car.
  • Time to sleep.
  • And it seems like there's ALWAYS time to go to work, but not a lot of it to drive to get what you NEED to GO to WORK!
That's why, in keeping with serving ALL of our customers no matter their needs, we began the mobile unit!  It's a full shoe showroom, complete with all of the service and amenities of our three store locations, but it comes to you instead of you coming to it!

Our Mobile Manager, Joseph from the Augusta store is ready for you to set up your appointment today!  To view available days (highlighted in green) instantly, please visit, or you may call Joseph at 706.288.7989 to make the date.  Appointments are also available by e-mail:

Thanks to all of you out there for your business, and, as always, we look forward to serving you in the future!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

NEW at

...hospitality wear!

  • Chef Coats
  • Chef Hats
  • Chef Pants - coming soon
  • Aprons and Vests

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Saturdays at Pipeline

Just a reminder to everyone that Pipeline is open every Saturday from 9 AM - 4 PM. 

Stop by and get all of your work wear with us TODAY!

Pipeline WORKS six days a week for YOU!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Clearing the way for Fall 2011

Even though the heat is STILL on, we've begun the process of making room on our website for the latest Carhartt shirts, pants, hats and outerwear all ready-made for fall and winter.

Make sure you check in often over the coming weeks to pre-view and pre-ORDER your fall workwear, because it's never too early to start stocking that closet for things to come!

PIPELINE stays ahead of the GAME for YOU!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The HEAT is ON!

Independence Day is over, but the heat of Summer is still with us.  Come by any one of our three locations today and get some gear to help you through those hot, Georgia days!

NEW!  The Atlanta by KEEN can be purchased at our Augusta location, or you can purchase it at our website:  Replace those hot winter boots with a design reminiscent of a classic water shoe!  STEEL TOE and slip resistant, it meets all ASTM ratings for safety.

Light weight and vented, this 100% polyester shirt from Columbia will keep you cool, whether on the job site or at your favorite fishing hole!  It comes in a variety of colors, and can be purchased in store or at our website.

Make sure you also check out our website for the latest in Carhartt headwear to keep that sun off your head, face and out of your eyes! 

And never forget the RULES of SAFETY on those high-index days:
  • Slow down!
  • Dress cool
  • Eat light
  • Drink LOTS of water
  • Take frequent breaks
  • Use protective covering AND sunscreen for exposure to sun

Friday, July 1, 2011

Independence Day

Pipeline Work Clothes will be CLOSED Monday, July 4th, in observance of Independence Day.
Remember the REAL reason we celebrate!  It's not about the fireworks or the picnics.  It's about what we, as a people, are and what we stand for.

"When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation..." The Declaration of Independence, July 4th, 1776. 

Here's wishing you a very happy 4th of July!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

25% OFF!!!

Click for a printable coupon for 25% off your next regular priced, clothing purchase at Pipeline!

Valid until August 1, 2011 at all three Pipeline locations:

Augusta:  3843 Wrightsboro Rd, Aiken: 2402 Whiskey Road, and Athens: 3190 Atlanta Hwy., Suite 13.

As always, we thank you for your business!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Welcome to the OFFICIAL blog of Pipeline Work Clothes and Boots!

This is a place where our customers can get to know US, and learn all about the people that make Pipeline Work Clothes all that it is!

Check in with us often to see what's going on with the Team, and to learn all about our newest  products, prices, sales and promotions, as well as all special causes and events.

Speaking of causes, the Team here at Pipeline would like to let everyone know that we will be participating in our annual Light the Night Walk to help find a cure for Leukemia and Lymphoma on October 1, 2011.  As always, we are very excited and look optimistically forward to reaching our goal of $5000!  Keep a watch out for our donations page, coming soon to this blog, our facebook account, and our website:, and help Pipeline work towards a cure!